Monday, March 2, 2009

Video Production

Today we discussed video making and editing. In an example viewed in class ("The Wooden Camera"), the video footage varied in quality to simulate the differing perspectives. The video footage produced by the child was grainy and silent (sometimes out of focus). The video footage by the producer was high quality and stable. This made me more aware of the various filming strategies I could employ to make each point of view more distinct.

iMovie seems to be a very easy and user-friendly software for video-editing. I have my own Mac computer so I have already begun to cruise around the application. First, you can import video footage. Following that, video clips can be edited and rearranged. Adding titles,  music , and transitions can definitely enhance a piece and bring everything together. I look forward to this experience. By working in groups, we will be able to feed off of one another's creativity. 

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